Ayurveda-yoga festival
Uge 26 danner rammen om en yoga ø-lejr på Halkær Kro
Центр Аюрведа «Ayurdham» в Харькове
Дорогие друзья! Добро пожаловать в центр Аюрведа «Ayurdham» оздоровления организма и души.
Ilse Gaardahl, owner of www.goforgoa.dk and www.city-yoga.dk, is a certified Iyengaryoga teacher since 1996, certificated psychotherapist since 1992, and a group therapist since 2000. Ilse also published the book “YOGAMANUAL” in 2011.
Together with Michael Frandsen she started going to Goa with groups of people interested in yoga and Ayurveda in 2010, and started a cooperation with Dr. Rohit Borkar at his Ayurveda consultation and treatment clinic. This contact led to cooperation both in Goa and Denmark. The yoga students enjoy and benefit from Dr. Rohits knowledge and skills when they are on their Goforgoa Yoga holiday in Goa. Also, Dr.Rohit and Ilse from City-Yoga hold Ayurveda seminars and consultations in the Danish summer. Over the years we have developed a solid and good cooperation which has benefitted many Danes who are interested in Ayurveda.
In the upcoming Danish summer in 2014, Dr. Rohit will be in Denmark from June 21 to hold a seminar in Skanderborg June 22, and Ayurveda consultations. Details of this can be found at www.goforgoa.dk or send a mail to ilse@city-yoga.dk
We will continue to organize Yoga holidays, and Ayurveda treatment + stay programs
For more information, keep visiting AyurvedaGoa and GoForGoa.dk.